
Friday, November 28, 2003

Today's Phrase of the Day: THRASH METAL!!!!!

Classic thrash from the golden age of steel (1986-1992) to be exact. Where the scene was in full bloom and the amount of quality thrash released was astounding. For some reason today has been ALL old school. For the lack of anything to report (except meeting someone kewl that I've known for 2 years for the first time...but i forgot my camera in the damn car...grrr) I'll post the playlist of the day:






Thursday, November 27, 2003

From now on I will be living on a tighter budget than I ever have. Not because of dock in pay, getting fired, or outsdanding debts. No, none of that, then why?
I have finally set a date, this date shall be the day that I finally become free, the day that I join my people with my hands raised triumphantly in salute and screaming the praises of honor and pride. I have set the date, August 2005, I shall make the trip to Germany and stand united with Europe's metal community and take part in the Wacken Open Air Festival I have said in the past that I was going to at some time attend this concert, well, here it is. I will be there in 2005, camping outside the gates for 2 days of raging, life giving, heavy 'fucking' metal!
I have heard the stories about this festival from Americans who have made the trip, I have seen footage shot at the fest. In my life this will be more than a concert, as I have always held metal as more than music. This will simply be the greatest thing I have ever done. I know that may sound sad to anyone who doesn't worship music almost as a religion, but thankfully I'm not one of them, haha.

Today is Thanksgiving and wow. Once again I could care less. Any members of my extended family that i actually care about are either in Florida, or are people I see on a regular basis anyways. I don't care for turkey, I hate watching football, and I consider my friends closer to me than most of my relatives...so, blah. I'm going to have to pull out some of my seldom used resourcefulness and liven up this dullest of dull holidays.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Day 1 of thanksgiving break. I'd be lying if I said I didn't need this time off. Things have actually been going really good with school and the social life (whats this? Casey has a social life? I know, it suprised the hell out of me too, lol) but school gets overwhelming around this time and you need to be forced to just take a step back for a bit and relax.
I finally got my car fixed yesterday. $600 worth of brake, and transmission repairs, YAY! Thankfully the 'rents helped me out. Haha, somehow within 6 months i have managed to take a brand new set of brakes and wear them down to the point where they are going metal to metal. Damn I'm good :-P
Not much else has really been going on...hense the lack of posting and lack of anything creative or worth reading in this one. What can I say? Things have been slow, and damnit, its nice for a change.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Damn...and to think I wasted all of that space typing yesterday. The music is back, my life has returned...I am now ready to beat the hell out of these next few weeks. To whom do I owe for the recharge? SAVATAGE and their album Dead Winter Dead. Deffinetly not your typical metal album (or band for that matter) They use a lot of piano, clean guitar, and even full orchestra at times. As a matter of fact, you probobly know some of the members from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. And it was one song in particular:

Watching in silence, I hesitate: It was not in the plans
All of our lives we could only wait: It was out of our hands

And every war where we took the day, it was all in our heads
And though in the dark we dream at night, they were better unsaid

But this is the time and this is the place
And these are the signs that we must embrace
The moment is now, in all history
The time has arrived and this is the one place to be

Yeah, yeah

We placed our years in the hourglass, they were never unearned
And we seemed destined to watch them pass - it was never our turn

But this is the time and this is the place
And these are the signs that we must embrace
The moment is now, in all history
The time has arrived and this is the one place to be

Yeah, yeah

(lead break)


This is the time and this is the place
And these are the signs that we must embrace
The moment is now, in all history
The time has arrived and this is the one place to be

Yeah, yeah


You see the (Lead Break) and (Solo) towards the bottom? That is the kind of stuff I live for. The songs really has little to no relevence to my life at the moment, at least lyrically. I guess its a good thing I don't listen to music souley for lyrical content then isn't it? The music in this song and the album in general is stunning, just absolutely brilliant. Wow...this is starting to turn into a review isn't it? haha. Sorry, but I urge everyone I know that is having a tough time, or even if you just have about an hour to spare and feel like relaxing, to listen to this album all the way through. I mean REALLY listen to it. Turn out the lights, put it on a good system, bust out a glass of wine (boxed or bottled, doesn't matter ;) ) and just absorb the music. Pay no attention to the lyrics...listen tot he musical composition. The way the guitar ineracts with the piano, the way the vocals meld with everything going on to create the perfect atmosphere. I guarantee you that when you turn on the lights you will be a different person...with a craving for more Savatage, lol. Here...i'll even start you off, this is a link to two of my favorite songs from the album "this is the Time" (the song whose lyrics i posted above) and "This isn't what we meant" :
both are in the folder titled "Metal"...enjoy and let me know if you want a copy of the whole album.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

I don't know what the hell is going on with me lately. I think the stress of the closing semester is taking its toll on me. No matter what I do I can not get more than 5 hours a sleep at night. I find myself getting spontaneous spells of anxiety...just wanting to jump out of a window and splat my brains on the pavement just so they have some place to go to escape from the pressure welling up inside my head.
I know that just two days ago i was ranting about the soothing and healing powers of music. HA! That only works to a certain point. I am finding myself unable to lose myself in song...the one thing I have (or rather had) to combat the outside world has somehow been stripped away from me. I feel powerless and helpless, almost like having pnuemonia and being given M&M's as medicine....no matter how many you eat they will have no effect on your ailment. Such has happened with music. I have searched my collections, and beyond for something that will reel me in. No matter how heavy, atmospheric, or mellow i go, no matter the genre...classical (Bach isn't helping me!!! For the love of god, Thats fucking wrong!!!), celtic (the melodies, harmonies and the weaving of these mythic compositions no longer hold the answers I seek), and my beloved heavy metal, in all its depth and endless variety is almost foreign to me. Even my ventures into genres unknown to me; I find myself coming back emptyhanded and more frusterated that i was int he first place. I continue throughout the world with my headphones basically glued to my head hoping that SOMETHING I randomly put on will start my heart again. I need a jump start...I need a concert. I know I was just at one a few weeks ago, but as much fun as it was, it brought way too much frusteration to be soothing...the guest list fiasco, the parking situation, the size of the venue, the odd set lengths, watching out for other people...it was almost like work. I need to go alone on a pilgrimage, screw syracuse....that city is a mostly dead lightbulb, whose warmth became too little long ago. I need to get as far away as my peice of shit car will take me...even if its for a local band of that area...and I need to do this alone.
Most of all I need this semester to be over. Every since my nervous/suicidal breakdown at the end of last semester I have not been able to properly deal with this crap. I suppose i should feel lucky though...if scholastic success is all I have on my plate of trouble I should be greatful. Oh yeah...then theres the fact I'm basically playing relationship counselor to my parents!!! I love it when both parents have the flu and both are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too emotional to be able to talk with eachother without screaming. They both need to take some damn morphine and chemicla coma their way out of this sickness and back into themselves.
LOL, damn I bitch a lot. I am deffinetly happy that of the few problems I am having none of them are of a romantic type. That is the one area of my like in which nothing is going wrong. Basically because nothing is really happening. My decision to stop rushing things and just focus on me for now is working splendidly. I am not saying I am opposed to meeting somone...that would be fantastic. I am simply saying I am no longer actively pursuing. after all...shouldn't it all happen on its own anyways?

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Alright, first post...hmmm. Basically I decided to make this because I needed a break from homework and saw a lonk here in someone's profile. Not really much to talk about today anyways. I completely trashed my chances at a decent grade in PSY 100...yeah, I know that sounds pathetic, thats because it is! Those damn Gen Ed. classes just sneak up on you sometimes. I won't fail, so I suppose I should be happy with that fact. Oh well, shit happens I guess and at least it was just a Gen Ed and not something I actually need to have a good grade in. Oh yeah...as you just noticed I pulled a written mood swing right there. It will probobly happen frequently, I hope I don't give you motion sickness with that crap.
I was sitting here earlier reading something about love and someone having a crush on someone else (how I got to this page i couldn't tell you) and once again the depressing feeling of lonliness set in. Having never NOT been lonely in terms of relationships it is odd that I can formulate some kind of idea of what it is like to actually be with someone, but what can I say? Every once in a while the empty part of me that is missing something very important decides to remind me its there. Then as I sat, a sack of pity grieving for the loss of soemthing I have never had in the first place, I heard the opeing chords to Hells Bells by AC/DC. A feeling of relief swept over me and, on the verge of just giving in and letting my head hang, I stood up and I smiled. And to think...people actually argue with me when I say that you can say more with a guitar riff than you could ever possibly say with lyrics.

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